Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews


We’re all about growth—not just on the company level, but on the individual level too. That’s why we have monthly 1-1s, conduct a partial performance review mid-year in June and full review in December.

We use the tool Progression to level-set skills for each team and role. You will have the opportunity to perform a check-in on your three focus skills (assigned in your mid and annual review), give and receive wins, give and request feedback, and see your growth with data visualization.

During our more formal review, we look inwards and evaluate ourselves with simple questions:

  • What is working?
  • What isn’t working?
  • What was your best work of the year?
  • What are your goals for the upcoming year?

Keep track of your goals in a monthly one-on-one meeting with your supervisor, we will review your take on things as well as ours.


Each year the agency sets tangible and intangible goals that are shared with everyone at “the state of Glantz” meeting. It’s our hope that every employee will contribute to these goals throughout the year and that when we achieve them, we will all reap the benefits.

Glantz is committed to hands-on training throughout the year, as well as paying for specific training that we mutually agree would benefit your career and our agency. Be sure to bring these opportunities up in your annual performance review.